Questions and answers

17 February 2022
New clarifications emerged from the satisfaction questionnaire.
Entaksi analyzed the results of the satisfaction questionnaire for the year 2021 sent last November to its customers.
The questionnaire contained a section where customers could enter advice, suggestions, comments about
the Entaksi’s services and someone have therefore formulated questions or expressed doubts regarding the use of the Console
management and some features in use.
Since it is not possible to answer everyone directly, we share some explanations to your comments below.
Thanks to your feedback, we maintain our commitment to improve services and usability interface and document management features.
We remind you that for any problem or request you can contact us at
Q & A
Q: Is it not possible to enter the date and registration number directly on the lines of received invoices ?
A: No, currently it is not possible to insert date and registration number directly in the lines
of the table of received and not yet stored invoices, you have to enter each invoice.
The report has been taken into account and will be implemented in the next updates.
Q: How is it possible to distinguish he viewed Invoices from those to be viewed on the console?
A: The distinction between invoices that have already been viewed and those yet to be viewed is made internally
of the same "Invoices received" section, highlighting the unread ones in bold, while those already
read appear in a lighter color, in a similar way to what happens in e-mail boxes.
Q: Why are some invoices correct in the editor but then discarded by the SdI?
A: The checks that are carried out on the .xml file of the issued invoice by the editor invoices application
are exclusively formal checks on the structure of the file, or on the conformity of the same
with respect to the directives imposed by the SdI. Consistency and compliance checks of the
data exposed in the .xml file are executed later by SdI and go beyond the correct structure of the file.
Therefore, for this reason, an issued .xml file of an invoice, even if formally correct, could be rejected
bySdI for non-congruity in the data.
Q: Can I enter unit amounts inclusive of VAT in the Invoice Editor?
A: The editor created by Entaksi has been designed to manage the insertion of non-payable sales invoices.
However, we are verifying the possibility to implement this feature as well.
Q: Where can I find information about the document search interface?
A: The search service aims to be as simple and intuitive as possible, however
the search keys (document metadata) are many and it is not always possible to integrate easily
these values with the customers' management systems. All metadata currently available are present
among the selection criteria on the "Search and request documents" page, allowing multiple selections
(more values for the same metadata, more metadata that can be combined).
The metadata mapping for each document type and the operation of the search page are described
in the corresponding chapters of the user manuals of each service.
Q: Are there any improvements to the LULs search interface?
A: We’ve heard your feedback about the usability of search fields and we are working to improve
the functionalities related to the processes of copying and pasting data in the search fields,
to make it easier to integrate with the available tools to each customer.
However, we would like to point out that
the system allows you to select a certain search value by typing, as well as scrolling through the list,
and the surname / name of the employee can be used as a search criterion, in addition to the tax code
(even indicating more than one in the same search) already now. The same consideration applies to all other metadata
that appear on the "Search and request LUL documents" page, which can also be used in combination with each other
(you can search by inputting or selecting multiple filters). How the specific page works
is described in the
corresponding chapter of the user manual.
Q: Is it possible to get a single PDF containing all the documents of a period?
A: Regarding the ability to get a single PDF that includes all documents
of a period, it should be noted that for documents entered into the preservation system as
'natively' IT documents this possibility is precluded by the legislation. In particular this happens for
LULs managed as natively IT documents, for which the specific legislation provides that
each slip / tag that makes up the LUL is an electronic document. From a management point of view,
we believe that the availability of search for multiple metadata
(and also, in the document system, by document content) and the possibility of obtaining and
managing a single .zip file containing the search results is much better than managing a single PDF.